April 7, 2015

Is Being A Stay-at-Home Mom For You?

As a mom-to-be I’m pretty sure the thought popped in your head of being a stay-at-home mom.  Today, I came across this interesting article that addressed the dollar value one husband associated with the responsibilities of his stay-at-home wife.
After calculating a salary of $73,690 (which included costs for child care, cleaning and cooking), he expressed that “he could no longer afford his stay-at-home wife.” 

This dad simply realized that his wife’s contribution in the home was worth a lot financially and should be recognized.   The aha moment for him was realizing that there was value in his wife being home. For if she actually worked outside of the home, it would be a greater costs to the family in trying to cover child care and other related expenses.
                        Sidebar: It’s about time.
I often hear women mention working from home when they have a child for two common reasons- to save on daycare expenses or to avoid newborn separation anxiety.
I personally feel there are some things in life that are just “PRICELESS.” And being a stay-at-home mom is one of them.  But, you have to be real with yourself and answer the following questions to determine if being a stay-at-home mom is right for you:

1.    I’m no psychic, but do I feel I’ll be undervalued or not appreciated for the hard work I complete on a daily basis by my spouse because he doesn't think its real job?
2.    Will giving up my own paycheck make me feel as if I’m losing my independence as a woman?

3.    Will  I be able to  create a social life outside of my home life?

4.    Realistically, can my husband afford to financially provide for our family?
5.    It’s a lot of responsibility around the clock; do I feel I can handle it?
6.    Do I think I’ll feel self-fulfilled as a stay-at-home mom?

Ladies, just like any job, being a stay-at-home mom could be that temporary fix for your current situation.  As your circumstances changes and your desire for self-happiness develops, remember that you can always switch jobs.
Want to read the full article that inspired this post, click here. 

Ladies Love BS,

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