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Lifestylist Adonus |
Why did you start BLUSH Society?
I wanted my voice to be heard by women in search of getting to know themselves and living life to the fullness by creating happy moments. With four sisters, I discovered a natural talent of swapping ideas and the value of using your experiences to create fabulous life lessons. I always aspired to be a talk show host and this was a fun, carefree way to get my feet wet (and Blow Up like my sister said J).
Why did you change BLUSH Society from Beautiful Ladies Unveiling Sister Hood to Beautiful Ladies Unveiling Self-Happiness?
Spring of 2010, I started BLUSH Society to create stylish networking and community service events for women to come together in the spirit of “Sisterhood.” Little by little, I noticed that several women lacked the appreciation of helping themselves. In that moment, when I re-launched BLUSH Society for a second time, I knew I would focus on letting women know that sometimes it’s ok for it to be all about "I" which is the secret to Self-Happiness.
What was your biggest AHA moment with BLUSH Society?
I would have to say the time I was at the gym with my older sister. I asked her what topic she liked the best from the original BLUSH Society and she said self-esteem. In that moment, I realized that a woman's self-esteem intensifies as she gets older. But more importantly, self-esteem is the one topic I felt was overlooked when inspiring women. Of all the topics I discuss, your self-esteem is affected by every aspect of your life... Just think about it.
How important is BLUSH Society's Three Guiding Principles?
Self, Style, and Spirituality are 100% important, they are everything! These principles sums up my values and truly come in handy when making decisions in life. You have to get to know your likes and dislikes, your inner and outer beauty, along with your faith for guidance in life. This speaks volumes in who you are as a person and your individuality. Besides they sound good and I got them from my mother!
What is the Happy Space Movement?
It's very simple, creating moments in life that evokes happiness. It's about doing little things like treating yourself to the spa, carving time into your day to meditate, or trying something new that makes you smile, that ultimately makes you happy.
What is a Lifestylist?
A Lifestylist is your go to girl for advice on how to style your life.
Where do you get a lot of you inspiration for BLUSH Society?
Life lessons, magazines articles (I am always ripping out pages of magazines when I am getting my hair done) and believe it or not, reality television shows.
Where is your Videos Taped?
I record them from my home office where the walls are covered in my "BLUSH" inspired paint color!
Is BLUSH Society truly for Woman of All Ages?
Yes! I laugh because my sister will jokingly say "you act like a little old lady." It's kind of true because I have friends of all ages and they tend to rub off on me in a good way. I noticed that at any age, you will face one or all of the issues I share through BLUSH Society. I also realized that as we get older it is expected that you have it all together when you probably don't. BLUSH Society is that outlet for women to acknowledge their imperfections and to not be ashamed because of their age.
What's your favorite quote?
I have two favorite quotes. My guiding quote for my life is "Everything happens for a reason.” My guiding quote for BLUSH Society is "Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone" James 2:17.
What is your advice to women pursuing their passion?
If it is truly your calling in life, it won't let you rest. Follow your womanly intuition because we all have one.