March 10, 2015

Are Couples With No Kids Selfish?

Hi BLUSH Beauties,

By now it’s obvious that I love giving relationship advice. On the flip side, I enjoy receiving feedback from my BLUSH Beauties on relationship topics as well.  This is going to be a short and sweet post because I have one simple question to ask.    

"AreCouples With No Kids Selfish?”

So, I would love to get your honest opinion about this question. You may have heard this comment from time to time or the question, “What are you waiting for?” Although people don’t know your story or your plans about having kids, they automatically assume couples with no kids are selfish.
I want you to help me understand if It's being selfish.  I know I’m not the only woman whose been told this. So not only will you shed light on this topic for me but your comments will help other BLUSH Beauties in the same boat.
Trust me, you should not lose much sleep on this because people who make these kinds of comments clearly should be a non-factor in your plans.
I know people don’t mean any harm and not everyone knows how to ask a question without being offensive... I get that. So share your thoughts on “Are Couples With No Kids Selfish?”



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