March 24, 2015

Celebrating 1 Year of BS!

This week is completely dedicated to celebrating BLUSH Society’s Blog turning 1!  Tomorrow, March 25th will mark exactly 1 year from the day I started this little blog. And during the course of 1 year, a lot has changed. 

When I first started blogging, I had no specific topic I wanted to focus on, so I tried tackling everything...not a good thing to do.  Eventually, between my love for sharing relationship tips coupled with the positive feedback I received on relationship topics, it was a no brainer for me.

Relationships are one of those things I deal with daily and I’m the first to say that relationships are truly a balancing act.  And just like the weather, it can be hot and steamy one day and dry as a downy sheet the next.  Whether romantic or sisterly, relationships require a lot of work to maintain. 

But, if a particular relationship is important to you, I truly feel it’s worth taking the time to learn whether it’s best to fix, grow or bury that relationship for your own well-being.  At the end of the day BS is here to help you decide if your relationship is a good investment worth saving.

I’m truly convinced that ladies love BS! I’ve enjoyed the comments and kudos from BS readers including the men who have been lurking on our page, counting my husband who ironically enjoys being talked about on the blog!  

(Sidebar...This is Going to Be A Long Post.) During this 1 year journey, I’ve learned 3 important things about myself through BS:

1.    Tell The Truth Tuesday: I must be true to myself and pursue things that produce happiness in my life.  Blogging about Relationships and keeping BLUSH Society alive was that thing for me.  It was something I could relate to and enjoyed doing. In some form or fashion, I dealt with balancing relationships on a daily bases.  Plus it was a topic that I believed and knew I had invaluable information about that could tremendously help others. 

2.    Committed to the Cause: Before I could prove to others I was serious about sharing relationship advice, I had to prove it to myself by keeping a personal commitment to post every Tuesday.  I’m proud to say I met my personal goal of delivering BS every single Tuesday even when I was not mentally motivated or loss for what to share or even dealing with my own relationship drama.

3.    Judge Me:  In this 1 year, I learned that people will judge you no matter what, so do what makes you happy.  I had to mentally convince myself that I Am a Relationship Advisor or what I prefer to call myself a Relationship Stylist.  It takes courage to proclaim who you are and hard work to deliver on that promise. 

As scary as it was to be transparent about my life or embarrassing to find out I had a typo in my post, I learned that nothing is ever going to be perfect.  But as long as I replaced fear with faith, I could create my own sense of happiness. 

So as BS celebrates 1 year, the message I want you to take away from my blogging journey is  that "no matter what, don’t let the opinions of others kill your vibe and the lack of support kill your dreams."

(Sidebar...I’m Almost Done with this Post.)  Through faith and with the help of God, plus my BLUSH Beauties, I’m ready to take BS to the next level.  With all the positive feedback and the fun I’ve been having sharing relationship advice, I’ve been compelled to extend my empire (...the show Empire is on the brain) by offering new services- some free and some with a fee you can benefit from in fixing or growing healthy, happy relationships. Look forward to one-on-one relationship talks and seminars.

So I’m finally done pouring my heart out for 1 Year of BS!  But there’s one last thing that would make this a fabulous 1 year celebration.  I want you to share BS with your family and friends.  Encourage them to become a fan of our Facebook page, connect with me at and join the BS movement.  BS is accepting male applicants as well!


Ladies Love BS,

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