You can still be real and tell the truth without offending someone. It’s common to use jokes and laughter as a way to intentionally say harsh, misguided comments to someone. Or better yet, are you guilty of speaking aloud the first thing that comes to your mind without thinking. Another big mistake I know I’ve made is saying things out of anger that I am fully aware would hurt someone’s feelings.
The reality
is that sometimes it’s hard finding the right words to say without offending
your friend, husband or sister, but still getting your point across. So here
are 6
Statements That Are So Offensive (SHADY) to Your Friend.
1. You Look Great For
Your Age!
Are you bluntly saying I don’t look great PERIOD. We all love a genuine compliment, so why not say, You Look Great in that Dress or
2. Wow!!! Have You Lost Weight?
It’s a double edge sword asking someone this. It’s like asking someone how many sex partners they had. Weight is just one of those finicky things that women are so self-conscious about because mentally we equate losing weight with being beautiful or fat- "I'm just keeping it real." Maybe just try dropping the Wow!!!
Are you bluntly saying I don’t look great PERIOD. We all love a genuine compliment, so why not say, You Look Great in that Dress or
2. Wow!!! Have You Lost Weight?
It’s a double edge sword asking someone this. It’s like asking someone how many sex partners they had. Weight is just one of those finicky things that women are so self-conscious about because mentally we equate losing weight with being beautiful or fat- "I'm just keeping it real." Maybe just try dropping the Wow!!!
We’ve all been in that situation where you were dying to say the first thing that came to your mind, and this is one of them. Instead this is a good example of when it’s best to take the high road and say “I Know It’s Upsetting, It Must Be Hard to Start Over.”
4. I Told You So

5. Let Me Know If There’s Anything I Can Do
Oh stop the madness. Don’t just say it but follow-up with offering some suggestions. It’s so easy to say I offered but she didn’t reach out to me. Let’s be real when someone is dealing with death, job loss, hospitalization or even divorce, the last thing they are thinking about is the entire list of people who said this because they are probably depressed and mentally discombobulated. Go the extra mile and do something as simple as sending a card or flowers.
6. I’m Sorry, I Didn’t Respond Sooner or I'm Sorry That My House Is A Mess
This is getting played out because we dish out the word Sorry with no meaning just like we say bless you after someone sneezes. Stop being sorry and JUST DO IT. I personally tell myself to respond to messages as soon as I read them because I have a bad habit of forgetting to reply or too often sending a delayed response. So like I tell myself, JUST DO IT. Stop saying I’m Sorry and just respond and just clean your house before inviting others over to entertain.
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