April 21, 2015

5 Signs There's Trouble in Paradise

Happy Tuesday BLUSH Beauties!  It’s been a long day at work for me and I’ll be heading to the market shortly, which is never fun.  But before I head out, I just wanted to share that every woman should experience true love at some point in their life.
But true love requires hard work and at times it can be tough to manage.  So be encouraged that although it won’t be sunshine always, the good times should outweigh the bad times.

I look at my relationship like my home.  My home is not perfect but there was ultimately something about it that I was attracted to that made me move in it. 
I enjoy spending my time just lounging around my home, but when problems arise like outrageous BGE bills or simple things as cutting the grass, like most of us I’m ready to run to mall.  But, after I pull myself together and weigh my options, I rather put in the time and effort to fix the problems around the house than looking for another one.
It boils down to really asking yourself, is your relationship worth saving. Your home just like a relationship is an investment that at times you may find yourself questioning your decision by thinking “maybe this is a waste of time” or “maybe it’s time for a change.” 

To help make that decision about your relationship, here are 5 Signs There's Trouble in Paradise!

1.    There’s a serious breakdown in communication and neither you our spouse is concerned about fixing it.

2.    As you start counting the outings with your spouse, you find yourself happier in the company of others or alone… away from your spouse.

3.    You disagree so much that your sex life is dry as toast, or simply non-existent and there’s a struggle to be intimate.

4.    Your number one source of stress is your spouse because he always seems to do spiteful things to hurt your feelings or harm you.

5.    You start feeling like you are growing apart because you two don't have much in common anymore.
Remember, if there's trouble in paradise, it's OK to admit that you and your spouse are probably better off as friends.

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