April 14, 2015

My Friend’s Personal Battle

My heart is heavy today because I found out that one of my dearest friends has Breast Cancer. Over the years I’ve supported so many fundraisers for Breast Cancer out of shear support for the cause and women as a whole.

But when it hits close to home it’s a lot to think about the emotional and physical changes she'll have to deal with.  It brings me to tears but I know if she stays positive she can fight against Breast Cancer.
I give this spill all the time that I love encouraging others, but this time I was speechless as to what to say to her.  But I remembered that with God, I could offer prayer, support and my personal time to help her get through.
This is a short post, but in essence I want you to slow down for a second and take the time to “Express to Your Friends That You Treasure Their Relationship.”  A few weeks ago I shared the importance of treasuring relationships… and this message continues to ring true as I provide support to a special friend in need.


Ladies Love BS,

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