April 28, 2015

Prayer for Peace in My City of Baltimore!!

My mind and heart is heavy today, but GOD.  I love living in Baltimore, but right now only GOD can change the chaos and confusion going on in my city. It’s disturbing to see the video footage plastered across our local news.  I know I’m not alone in the cry out for an end to this madness.

April 21, 2015

5 Signs There's Trouble in Paradise

Happy Tuesday BLUSH Beauties!  It’s been a long day at work for me and I’ll be heading to the market shortly, which is never fun.  But before I head out, I just wanted to share that every woman should experience true love at some point in their life.

April 14, 2015

My Friend’s Personal Battle

My heart is heavy today because I found out that one of my dearest friends has Breast Cancer. Over the years I’ve supported so many fundraisers for Breast Cancer out of shear support for the cause and women as a whole.

April 7, 2015

Is Being A Stay-at-Home Mom For You?

As a mom-to-be I’m pretty sure the thought popped in your head of being a stay-at-home mom.  Today, I came across this interesting article that addressed the dollar value one husband associated with the responsibilities of his stay-at-home wife.
After calculating a salary of $73,690 (which included costs for child care, cleaning and cooking), he expressed that “he could no longer afford his stay-at-home wife.”