February 10, 2015

Are You Guilty of Loving Someone Too Hard That It's Wrong?

So I finally had a chance to watch the Whitney Houston Lifetime movie and Bobby Brown’s exclusive interview.  It was truly heartfelt and captivating to get a glimpse of what life was like for two individuals in love. 

I have to admit that the one statement that resonated in my thoughts was best stated by Bobby Brown himself- “Sometimes we, you know, love a person so hard that we’re loving them wrong, and maybe I did that.”

When I heard that statement, I agreed with it right away… 100%.  It was spot on because for many of us, our relationship hurts are not always intentional.  Although you mean well, in the midst of confusion and disagreement, someone ends up hurt and broken.

When two people are in love, the hardest part, is loving a person from a distance.  Even if it requires you to take a leap of faith and separate yourself from the situation by cutting ties.

If you ever had a tooth pulled, you’ll understand that shockingly, the roots run so deep, that sometimes it’s a struggle to have it extracted.  And once the tooth is removed, it takes time for the pain to go away and the wound to heal.
In your relationship, you may not be the one with the issue.  But day in and day out, you’re the one standing in the gap, trying to keep the relationship intact.  But if you’re not careful, you’ll be consumed by your spouse’s struggles. 

Sometimes you can’t save the person you love because the risk of losing yourself in the process is too high.
It’s a bigger issue, when both individuals in the relationship are battling the same addiction.  In this case, it becomes the blind leading the blind.

The hardest part to understand is that the person we love so hard is the person we can’t rescue out of their dark place.    That’s why it’s so critical that you learn when and how to love a person from a distance. 
In during so, you’ll graciously turn those battles over to the Lord as you continue to pray for their strength and well-being. 


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