February 17, 2015

4 Tips: Money is the Root of All Evil

I know you’ve heard the saying, “money is the root of all evil.”  The truth is that the love of money is the root of all evil.  But bigger than that, money happens to be one of the common reasons for divorce besides the obvious, infidelity.

A bulk of your relationship problems stem from mismanaging money and disagreeing about money.  It’s a no brainer that money creates tension and confusion in our lives, which requires a great deal of effort to fix.

Don’t let money ruin your relationship.  Here are 4 Tips: Money is the Root of All Evil to fix your financial crisis.

1.     Communication is Key: No matter how much you think you’re in love, you must know how to talk openly with your spouse about money. Money is what pays the bills, pays for the dinner dates and ultimately contributes to your comfortable lifestyle. 
Some couples only talk about money once a month when bills are due and some NOT AT ALL.  But anytime changes to your financial situation or changes to your bills occur, you should feel comfortable drumming up a conversation to discuss money.
2.    Set Money Goals Together: One partner may be a saver and one a spender.  But both of you must find a common goal on how to spend or save money. Ultimately you must find a happy medium such as agreeing to both save $50 a paycheck for a rainy day fund.
3.    Manage Your Own Paycheck: Each partner should manage their own paycheck.  Ladies, avoid having your spouse’s paycheck deposited in your account. You’ll be surprised at the number of women who think this is the best option to ensure bills are paid.  Instead, learn how to relinquish control… he should be responsible enough to pay his portion of the bills since it’s a team effort.
4.    Join the Money Team: There are people who are intimidated by their spouse because they make more money.  If this is you, get over yourself and set your pride aside.  As corny as it sounds, his money should be your money to a degree.  Just know managing money is a team effort no matter who’s making the bigger bucks.
At the end of the day, money is a source of relationship happiness.  Don’t allow money to be the big elephant in your bedroom.  Try applying these 4 Tips: Money is the Root of All Evil first before throwing in the towel.



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