October 28, 2014

Prioritize Your 6 C's to Why Your Relationship is Suffering (Part 3)

I hope you didn't plan on just reading the 6 relationship C's without applying them to your life.  Now you are tasked to rank the 6 C's in order from 1 to 6 with 1 being the most important to your current relationship OR most important if you were dating.
Relationship Workout
Here are a few pointers for analyzing the significance of how you ranked your 6 C’s.

  • Your #1 C usually represents one of two things.  It’s either the area of your relationship that you find yourself struggling with on a daily bases.  On the flip side, if you’re dating, your #1 C is your top priority in terms of what you seek in a relationship.
Allow this exercise to help bring clarity to what makes you happy and satisfied in your relationship.  This is a quick, easy exercise to share with your spouse or at a girl’s night out.   
It will truly spark interesting conversation and bring clarity to your 6 C’s. It will also teach you how to prioritize what’s ultimately important to you.   This is an effective exercise to try every six months to evaluate the area of your relationship that requires immediate attention.




Feel free to leave your comments below and I'll be sure to respond.  Your feedback is truly important because it provides me with inspiration for future topics.

Spread Happiness!


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