October 21, 2014

6 C’s to Why Your Relationship is Suffering (Part 2)

I hope you enjoyed Part 1!  I had to leave the top 3 critical C’s to Why Your Relationship is Suffering for Part 2.  Continue reading to get advice on how to find that happy medium in your relationship.

You’ll find that a majority of your sweat, time and tears are spent trying find an effective way to communicate with your spouse.  Let’s make one thing clear- just because you talk to your spouse doesn’t mean you’ll agree… can you say Control and Compromise. 

Control is a powerful tool used to
manipulate your spouse to
agree with your perspective.  By nature it’s
easier for women to compromise or
settle to make someone else happy.
I guarantee 100% that there’ll be some disagreements, but success is measured based on how you talk through your problems to come to a mutual resolution.


When you first start dating, I’m pretty sure the biggest piece of advice you received was to keep people out of your business.  It’s true to a certain degree.  There are things that must be kept private in your relationship. But, when you trust your community, they should also serve as a support system, your cheerleaders and voice of reasoning. 
The hardest thing for people in a relationship is to bring a balance when it comes to family and friends.  Whereas, the easiest thing to do is to lose yourself in your relationship that you overlook your community.  It truly takes time to create and effort to keep those connections strong.

Your community is the people that fill the void when your
spouse is busy or when your relationship doesn't smell like roses.

Church in the context of your relationship represents your spiritual foundation. When times get tough and the struggle is real allow your spirituality to provide stability, wisdom and guidance to survive.  But you have to agree upon what that spiritual guidance will be. 

You Must Find A Common Ground. Every successful  relationship should be built upon spiritual values that both you and your spouse can agree upon.  Allow your spirituality to be a testament of your faith that keeps your relationship flourishing.

Click here if you missed Part 1 of 6 C’s to Why Your Relationship is Suffering.  Feel free to leave your comments below and I'll be sure to respond.  Your feedback is truly important because it provides me with inspiration for future topics.

Spread Happiness!

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