October 18, 2014

Learn From Ali’s 2 Week Marriage

We've all been here at some point in our life where that inner voice told us to run and don't look back.  But instead we blow it off as having a bad day or just not the right time to pack up and leave.   

We'll that's what Former Miss USA Ali Landry did when she married celebrity Mario Lopez for just 2 weeks before filing for an annulment.  They were together for 6 years. Prior to the wedding, that “woman’s intuition” that we all have, kicked in but she ignored it.

Watch this video for inspiration on how you must allow your spirituality to guide you into making tough decisions while simultaneously opening the doors to your true blessing. 

Ladies, we have to stop getting caught up in the moment, that we ignore that gut feeling because we naively think its going to get better and we don't want to deal with the opinions of family and friends.

For more spiritual inspiration, check out a previous BS post called 3 Reasons to Wake Up and Smell the Coffee.


Spread Happiness!

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