December 9, 2014

4 Quotes to Cope With Grief During the Holidays

A few posts ago, I shared a special prayer for my granddad.  It’s with great sadness that I share that he passed away.  My grandparents were indeed two peas in a pod!   I’m lost for many words, but I thank God that he granted my family time to spend with him on Thanksgiving and over the weekend. 

I stand by my favorite saying that all things happen for a reason which happens to be according to God’s plan.  So all I have is amazing memories that I will cherish during this hard time- plus the will power to encourage and minister to myself. 
I love these quotes because they provide comfort and hope for tomorrow that it will be a brighter day.  I love you Granddad and I know you are resting in the arms of the Lord.  Ladies, be encouraged because I know I’m not alone.




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