November 11, 2014

Every Woman Should Know About Holiday Healing

Hi Ladies,
The holidays are vastly approaching! I want to encourage you to truly focus on the true essence of this holiday season.  Enjoy your time with family and friends and partake in spreading the love to others around you. 

I’m pretty sure you’ve heard this before but it’s critical that you fully understand my previous statement- Reread it if you must. 
In this season, you’ll need to safeguard your mind in order to protect your happiness.  It’s so easy to fall into depression during the holidays because your focus is on what you can’t provide.

Too often we get wrapped up in the money we don’t have to buy gifts.  That’s not the true essence of this holiday season. 

Holiday Healing is the true essence of this holiday season.  Please understand that if all you can provide is a roof over your family’s head, that’s a blessing in itself.
At a young age that’s what my mom would always say “If all I can give you is a roof over your head… you won’t be out in the cold.”  Allow these same words to resonate in your spirit and serve as reassurance that you will make it through the holidays even if all you can provide is shelter and a hot meal for your family.
So I want you to make the following vow to yourself:
Holiday Healing is the true essence of this holiday season.  I won’t lose my mind and allow myself to succumb to depression in this holiday season.  I won’t feel obligated in spending money, but spending quality time with my family and friends who have supported me throughout the year.  This holiday, I will maintain my joy and happiness. 
During this Holiday Healing season, speak positive things over your life so that behind closed doors, you won’t become victim to depression, feelings of loneliness, thoughts of suicide and disappointment. 
If you’ve never shared a blog post by BLUSH Society, this is the one to forward to at least three special ladies in your life during this holiday season.


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