November 25, 2014

3 Things I’m Thankful For

 Hi BLUSH Beauty! 

This week is all about what you are most thankful for. 

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because I get to create fun memories with my love ones. And of course eat some yummy food while having good convos while flipping through the newspaper for Black Friday deals.  It’s tradition that I make two trips on Thanksgiving, one to my Aunt’s house and mother-in-law for some delicious home cooking.
There’s so much to be thankful for.  Check out my top three simple reasons to be thankful this holiday season.

1.    Good Health! 
2.    Stability in my Personal & Spiritual Life
3.    Fun Times

I hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving.  Be sure to spend time with your family and friends who may appear lonely because they don’t have family around to fellowship with.


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