November 25, 2014

November 18, 2014

Top 5 Quotes for Holiday Healing

Once in a while it’s easier to understand the meaning of a message by reading quotes.  Here are 5 quotes I would like to share that are perfect to prepare you mentally for this holiday season. 

Each quote was inspired by last Tuesday’s post: Every Woman Should Know About Holiday Healing.

November 11, 2014

Every Woman Should Know About Holiday Healing

Hi Ladies,
The holidays are vastly approaching! I want to encourage you to truly focus on the true essence of this holiday season.  Enjoy your time with family and friends and partake in spreading the love to others around you. 

I’m pretty sure you’ve heard this before but it’s critical that you fully understand my previous statement- Reread it if you must. 

November 4, 2014

Eliminate Stress in 5 Minutes

BLUSH Society’s Principle #3 is Spirituality.  It’s a necessity that you have a strong spiritual foundation.  Instead of always searching for answers and confirmation from others, you can tap into your own spirituality for guidance.
As women, it’s common that we see ourselves as Wonder Woman.  We take on so much responsibility that life becomes overwhelming. We feel obligated to carry the weight of everyone's problems around us on our shoulders.