September 30, 2014

Is Your Relationship a Hot Mess?

I love watching Investigation Discovery!  It’s not hard to find a story of a woman who conspired or committed murder for her lover because she was deeply in love.

…And your first thought would probably be that she’s right down crazy or stupid.  But the mere truth is that in the supernatural sense, someone had control over her mind.

When you’re crazy in love or should I say reckless with love, you believe crap and do foolish things.  You blindly believe the fairy tale and fall so hard for love that you surrender your power and start doing and believe anything.

If you’re reading this and can attest that this sounds like you or someone you know… now is the time to separate love from manipulation.

Don't fool yourself when answering this question because we've all done crazy things for love and probably found ourselves in a messy relationship.

But it’s not that you’re stupid for staying in your mess, it’s that your lover has control over your mind like a puppet master. 

It’s a dangerous game when you find yourself in a cycle of fleeing and then a few months later running right back into that same situation.

Stop convincing yourself that what you have is better than what you should have.

WHY- because it’s easy to fall victim to manipulation when you don’t know your self-worth.

***DISCLAIMER: This week’s topic was a no brainier when it came to sharing this message with the ladies of BS.  I received the inspiration for this message from an amazing church sermon last week and then again at a girl’s night out.  Please know that I was going to name this week’s topic A Woman’s Worth, but as I was writing the message down, I was led to address this issue head on by asking: Is Your Relationship a Hot Mess?

Cheers to Happiness,

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