September 30, 2014

Is Your Relationship a Hot Mess?

I love watching Investigation Discovery!  It’s not hard to find a story of a woman who conspired or committed murder for her lover because she was deeply in love.

…And your first thought would probably be that she’s right down crazy or stupid.  But the mere truth is that in the supernatural sense, someone had control over her mind.

When you’re crazy in love or should I say reckless with love, you believe crap and do foolish things.  You blindly believe the fairy tale and fall so hard for love that you surrender your power and start doing and believe anything.

September 23, 2014

Look at What I’m Reading This Fall!

 Fall is officially here ladies!  

I love magazines and this week, I had a chance to open up my book of inspiration and found 3 things I would love to share!  It’s so therapeutic when I get a few minutes to flip through magazines. 

I love tearing out pages of inspiration.  The amazing thing about knowledge is that it never gets old.  For with every new chapter in our life, the essence of a message will always ring true.  11 Times You Still Need Your Mother

September 16, 2014

The Beauty Secrets Behind Photoshop

I’m guilty of being awe-struck by magazine covers when I’m at the gym.  The celebs look so perfect- if only I exercise for 10 more minutes, I’ll have that space between my thighs.
Don’t believe the hype.  Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. 

Here are 6 different ways the picture of the woman above was photoshopped in 6 different countries.  Moral to the story... let's learn to love ourselves by defining our own definition of beauty instead of being brainwashed by society’s false portrayal of the perfect woman.

September 11, 2014

Are Your Hips Spreading Like Rumors?

Of course your hips are spreading!   You had too much fun this summer eating whatever you wanted.  But, you do know that the holiday party pictures are right around the corner.  So join me on my healthy lifestyle journey A.K.A. losing weight baby!

I really did go back to the gym on last week.  I had no choice because it’s the only way for me to move the pounds... plus release stress and regain my energy.  

September 9, 2014

Let’s Talk About Ray Rice and Domestic Violence

BLUSH SOCIETY can’t ignore the events surrounding the Ray Rice video that emerged today of a public display of domestic violence.  For this nightmare could have been your story or is your story now.
The bigger question is “Do you think his then-fiancé acted out of LOVE or FEAR to marry him after the incident occurred?

September 2, 2014

Are You Ready to Follow Your Dream?

Get over it! … Real women don’t consider starting over a failure.  They just take life as a lesson learned and bust their butts to pick up the pieces and move on.  That’s exactly what I have to remind myself.

You’ve probably heard this message Follow Your Dream a million times, but not quite like this.  So watch this week’s message:  “Are You Ready to Follow Your Dream?”