August 12, 2014

Are You the Next BLUSH BOSS?

Are you or someone you know have a successful business, hobby or new career they are truly happy about?  BLUSH Society is looking for the next BLUSH Boss for our new blog feature.

If you’re a woman and your work is your happy space, I would love to spotlight you as the next BLUSH BOSS.    

Highly Interested?

Inbox me a copy of your completed submission form along with some fabulous pictures.  I look forward to hearing from you and sharing your story with the society! 

Just submit the following 5 things:

1.  Full Name and City (share your nickname too!) 
2.  Pick 3 to 5 clear lifestyle "selfie" pictures of things that make you happy (i.e. you with the family dog, at your favorite music festival, eating your favorite desert, etc.).  Be creative; please do not submit pictures containing watermark, urls and text.
3.  Take each of the guiding principles and pick one (1) word that truly describes your Self, Style, and Spirituality. (Example: Self- adventurous; Style- sophisticated; Spirit- hungry)

4.  What is your business, hobby or new career?  Include a brief statement (3 to 5 sentences) that describes why you chose to pursue your business, hobby or new career.  Also share what type of satisfaction and happiness you enjoy from it

5.  Share your "favorite source of inspiration" (i.e. quote, saying, scripture, song, book, etc.)

 *** If you have a business, please include the name and website address for our viewing pleasure!

As always, check out this week's Youtube video:  Are You the Next BLUSH BOSS? For more details and disclaimers please visit the Contact page.

Cheers to Happiness,




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