May 27, 2014

My 3 Favorite Things for Organizing Accessories

If you love accessories as much as I do, I know you'll appreciate this week’s message, My 3 Favorite Things for Organizing Accessories.  Here at BLUSH Society, one of our three guiding principles is Style.  When it comes to Style, no outfit is complete without the right accessories.
Accessories can take a boring outfit and personalize it in a stylish, show-stopping way.  I've also discovered that accessories are a great networking tool!  I can't begin to count how many times my jewelry selection was a true conversation piece that sparked connections with other ladies.

Over the years, I’ve always purchased tons of jewelry, and eventually my collection grew massive… at the same time, very disorganized.  The headache of tangled necklaces and mismatched bangles drove me crazy.
If you live in an older house like me, you understand my frustration in having small closet space.  It’s a "Catch 22" because small closets limit my style options and what I can visually see when deciding what accessories to wear.  On the other hand, it forces me to downsize often by donating clothes and creating crafty ways to organize my beloved accessories.
Personally, I think better in a clutter-free space. When it comes to a woman’s closet, the worst thing is having amazing accessories, but forgetting you have them because they are buried away in your closet. 
So, I’m sharing my three favorite things I like to repurpose around the house to organize my accessories. I hope you enjoy this week’s video: My 3 Favorite Things for Organizing Accessories, as we end the month of May out with a bang.

You can also view this video on the BLUSH Society’s YouTube channel or here on the BLOG.     

Be sure to leave your comments on the blog.

With Love,

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