May 27, 2014

My 3 Favorite Things for Organizing Accessories

If you love accessories as much as I do, I know you'll appreciate this week’s message, My 3 Favorite Things for Organizing Accessories.  Here at BLUSH Society, one of our three guiding principles is Style.  When it comes to Style, no outfit is complete without the right accessories.
Accessories can take a boring outfit and personalize it in a stylish, show-stopping way.  I've also discovered that accessories are a great networking tool!  I can't begin to count how many times my jewelry selection was a true conversation piece that sparked connections with other ladies.

May 20, 2014

My Scar is My Story

After hearing about Beyoncé’s family fiasco made public for the whole world to see, I immediately saw the bigger picture in what every woman could learn from her situation.  It was very simple and could easily be explained from my personal experience of burning my hand.

You may be a little puzzled with how these two situations relate, but you will soon learn that My Scar is My Story.  When I was in college, one of my favorite gourmet dinners to make was a caesar salad, Stouffer's chicken alfredo entree and hot biscuits.  One night while cooking, I went to remove my biscuits from the oven, when immediately I felt a hot sensation on the side of my hand.

May 13, 2014

#1 Reason Why You're Not on the Guest List

When was the last time you were invited to an event and forgot to RSVP … oops, it happens even with all the smart phones in the world.  But when it happens over and over again, it becomes crystal clear that there’s a bigger issue at hand.

It’s becoming the norm that women are blatantly not responding to invites or infamously providing excuses as a way to decline their attendance to an event.  Well I have news for you, that’s the #1 Reason Why You're Not on the Guest List.

May 6, 2014

Can You Sense the 3 Things I am Happy About?

Hi BLUSH Beauty,

Last week, I was at Macy’s with my husband in the men’s department when I saw an older gentleman shopping for a robe with his daughter.  As we were browsing through the clothing racks, I overheard him describing the color, length and texture of the robe he wanted.  Then, he tried on the robe and reached down to ensure it was the right length.  As he expressed excitement that he found the perfect robe, I looked up and realized the man was blind.
In that moment, my heart was filled with sentiment as I expressed to my husband that it’s the simple things in life that we take for granted.  Like our five senses, we overlook the daily blessings given to us to hear, see, touch, smell or taste.