June 9, 2015

3 Signs You're In A Controlling Relationship

There are always obvious signs or what I like to refer to as “the writings on the walls” that serve as a clear indication that you just might be indulging in a potentially controlling relationship.

It turns out that usually, that thing that attracted you to your man may turn out to be the one thing he uses to control you. 

June 2, 2015

6 Statements That Are So Offensive (SHADY) to Your Friend

You can still be real and tell the truth without offending someone.  It’s common to use jokes and laughter as a way to intentionally say harsh, misguided comments to someone.  Or better yet, are you guilty of speaking aloud the first thing that comes to your mind without thinking. Another big mistake I know I’ve made is saying things out of anger that I am fully aware would hurt someone’s feelings.